Luxury Rooms

Luxury Rooms

There are two Luxury Rooms: the one, called the White Room, is located in the historic Manor House, and the other, called the Cape Room, is situated in the Diary Rooms building. Both offer queen beds and beautiful en-suite bathrooms with a shower and/or freestanding bath.

Guests can expect beautiful garden views with lots of lush greenery and welcome sunlight. Decor includes exquisite antiques cleverly balanced with clean lines and striking contemporary touches.

Hawksmoor House has 16 enchanting guest rooms in four buildings set around the historic ‘werf’, reflection pond and expansive gardens.

The Manor House, The Slave Quarters, the Dairy Rooms and Edge House Villa are all original footprints of the historic farm, converted with great sympathy and flair by the owners, and furnished with an elegant mix of beautiful antique pieces.

Each building offers a different perspective on the landscape and farm, and each room is individually decorated. No matter what room you stay in, the experience is consistently elegant and the hospitality warm and relaxed.